Forge of Gods Wiki

Data pulled on March 3rd, 2016

Following is data pulled from the game files.

Drop Rates/Capture Chances[]

Creature Generic Info[]

Creature Stats[]

Creature Evolution Info[]

Creature Skills[]

Creature Summon Chances - Power multipliers[]

Creature Kill XP/Fuse/Sell Price[]

Raw Formulas[]


Pierce calculations are not included, if defense is 0,then the full attack value is damage, otherwise, Linear defence condition may come into play on individual maps.

Figure: num = ((atk/ sqrt(def)) * Constants.DAMAGE_COEFF_1) * 1; if def > atk +500, then multiply that by (atk+500/def);

   public static int GetDamage(int atk, int def)
       float num = 0f;
       float num2 = atk;
       float num3 = 0f;
       float num4 = 1f;
       if (def == 0)
           return atk;
       if (def < Constants.DEFENCE_LINEAR_COND)
           num3 = (def * Constants.LINEAR_DEF_COEFF) + Constants.LINEAR_DEF_SHIFT;
           num3 = (float) Math.Sqrt((double) def);
           if (def > (atk + 500f))
               num4 = (atk + 500f) / ((float) def);
       num = ((num2 / num3) * Constants.DAMAGE_COEFF_1) * num4;
       return (int) num;
